


Tips to help you score good in 12th board exam

Getting high score in an exam isn’t just about the ability to recall everything you’ve learned throughout the course. Equally important is learning the art to manage time writing exam to help you score good.

Effective time management can help ensure that you perform well in test.

Listed below are Tips & Tricks to help you appear for exams with good planning.

Read Every Question Carefully

Before you start writing, relax your mind and read every question carefully. Don’t thumb through, and don’t dismiss an option before thinking about it for at least a few seconds. Make sure you read every question carefully. A bit like doing too many or too few questions, misreading a question (especially a long answer one) can result in you missing out on marks that you deserve to get Missing out on . No matter how brilliant, inspired, or interesting an answer is. Make sure you read the questions carefully.

Answer the easy questions first

If you want score good and want to boost your confidence while writing exam make sure you start answering the easy question first. A good time-management approach during exams is to answer the easy questions first. Answering easy questions will help you managing time while answering more difficult and lengthy questions.

Focus on Question’s Worth

Before attempting to write answers , make a plan of how long you’re going to spend on each question. The best way to score good in exams is to focus more time on questions carrying most marks. For Example It makes more sense to attempt question with 20 marks for one question is worth more time than 10 marks for 10 questions .Students who do well in exams always know how they’re going to approach a paper, and how to portion out their time so that they don’t run out. . Also, your speed must not jeopardize good handwriting. Write clearly, precisely and patiently without jumping to next question while attempting the current one.

It’s better to start with your favorite topic, it makes you confident.

Don’t leave early, Review the Answer sheet before you submit

The temptation to leave an exam early can be irresistible. But be patient, and re-read your answer sheet. Check the spellings and correct

Your exam time hours are precious

You’ll never get it back, but you will have endless time to enjoy after you’re done.

Prepare for the Unexpected

No matter how prepared you are for exam and how well you’ve planned to manage your time, something can go wrong. This isn’t the end of the world, though, and shouldn’t derail your schedule at all. Plan for some problems, and be ready for any issues.

  • Bring at least two pens or pencils with you.
  • If you’re allowed to use a calculator, bring spare batteries.
  • Don’t forget to take your admit card.
  • Make sure you wear a watch for better time management.
  • Take water bottle if allowed.

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